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Reflexions of a walk through Abargues

Just like every year, summer is upon us almost before we know it. The vines already resemble a sea of green, their leaves healthy and growing at a steady pace on our reddish soils. Each day, I walk among the rows of vines and look at everything with a detailed eye. The harvest is fast approaching. Getting some much-needed rest, silence and concentrating on how the grapes are developing are essential now to be able to paint my canvas.

The vines are still fighting despite the scarcity of rainfall this year. These brave souls are responding. The ever-present dew and the Mediterranean winds that bring that much-needed humidity nourish them. They appear strong.

I never tire of looking at these vines, I feel the same anticipation and excitement at each harvest as I walk on these ancient soils, so full of history. I stop to observe, placing a hand on the dry stone of the centuries-old walls.

When I look around me, I see the Riu Rau, so lovingly restored, the valley that cradles us and the Cavall Verd mountain in the background in all its magnificence and glory. How fortunate to be in such a place and to be able to grow these vines in this landscape. And I think about how to transmit this landscape to the wines. I pay attention to every detail I see, hear, smell and feel. The wines should evoke sensations yet should also make sense. Now the beautiful part begins. To dream day and night with these small wonders and discover how to make them shine.

Visit us and enjoy a red wine in summer at Casa Agrícola

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