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Our beloved Giró

At this time in Abargues, we are harvesting our Giró by hand. This variety never ceases to amaze and astonish us. We have picked some beautiful, tight, crunchy bunches. How it can flourish and develop in the current situation of extreme drought that we have in the Marina Alta is a true miracle of nature.

There are two hypotheses about the origin of this jewel. One of them is that it may be a variety from the North, brought by the Arabs, an acclimatization of the Garnacha grape. The other hypothesis is that it comes from Alicante, Sardinia or Mallorca. In the coming years, more light will be shed on its true origin with the genetic studies that are being carried out by the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

The Giró is a very old variety, pre-phylloxera and was once on the verge of extinction, possibly due to the complexity of its cultivation and low production. This is why we love this grape, which we try to nurture and preserve as it deserves. Looking after this variety means taking great care of the soils. In this harvest, we have tilled the land a total of six times, which is basically plowing the soils to eliminate other types of vegetation that can take any precious water away from the vines.

The Giró grapes have a perfect circular shape with the pulp and skin of the same purple-bluish color. The clusters are checked one by one, removing what may be overripe or not perfect, in order to extract the freshest possible expression for our Giró de Abargues y Fierroca. The entire process in these wines is manual and done with the utmost delicacy from start to finish.

The great adaptability to its natural environment and the remarkable strength of the Giró and other ancient grape varieties excites us. We draw on their wisdom, their natural sustainability, and above all their own DNA so that our wines transport you to the authentic freshness of the Mediterranean mountains.

Visit us and enjoy our Giró at Casa Agrícola

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